Athlete's Moving Forward (AMF)
Athletes are among some of the most revered and idolized individuals, in the world. To reach their levels of success it takes a mixture of, (SDDPR), Self- Discipline, Determination, Passion and Respect,
for the game.
No, professional athlete transitions from youth sports into a professional career overnight. There's another phase, known as collegiate; this era can also be called, "Make it or Break it", phase.
I've heard a lot of draft night speeches, they normally include: their life's journey, love for the game and their desire to change their families dynamics.
My son played D-1 College Football. Being inside that environment, showed me how young men and women lives are transformed at that stage, from one state to another. I watched young people lives, transition overnight. Some became millionaires; others became, "The Forgotten Ones".
According to research, only 40% of college athletes graduate with a college degree. I watched some players who were the face of the brand, one day. Then being removed from public view. Costing some, their freedom, draft availability and others a their degrees. Now the same people who was, cheering for these players, are the someone's, tearing them down.
Again, these young adults, ages range, from 17-25 yrs old; are thrust into a billion dollar industry; in the midst of one of life's major milestones. My son was- one of them, who entered the collegiate world, at 17. Where some college students still have 4 or 5 more years to try to mature and learn how to handle certain aspects of collegiate business.
Remember it is only a select few that has to learn this lesson and learn it fast. College athletes and public figures' lives are always center stage. Every action and decision is put on public display for others to, judge and scrutinize, also known as, " the spotlight".
In our present day, media presence, can easy help you reach your life's dream or it can help us to become "The Forgotten One".
This area is designed for anyone that has or knows someone who has fell into the following categories:
Accepted a date from the wrong individual, and their life's course was altered for life.
Do you know someone who was just trying to assist their families with basic needs then got removed from their life's goal of making it to a professional roster.
Have you or anyone you know went to a party and it changed your life?
What we are offering
We are offering new beginning, for those who made split second decisions that altered their lives.
A chance to move forward with their lives for themselves and their family.
We will partner with other business to help get you placed for employment under our banner.
Educational business seminars. Connect you with some schools for maybe mentoring, assisting coaching, opportunities.
Business and financial literacy. We will make sure you know all your options.
Education is power, knowledge is power. We want to share this power with you, for yourself, family and your future.
How will we be funded
We are public funded from donations. We hope to receive funding and assistance from your fellow athletic programs, athletics, fans, and government. Who has moved forward, with their careers, and would like to make sure no former bother or sister athletic is left behind.
*All Donation are tax deductible*